On diseases front: Ruby helps cure peptic ulcer, fever, rheumatism, gout etc. However prolonged use may cause boils, itch and insomnia as well. Do consult an astrologer or a gemologist before wearing this or any other stone. Ladies should avoid the use of Ruby as it can destroy the body lustre.
Ruby should be used in gold in third or ring finger of right hand on Sunday. Ideally should be of about 3 or 5 grams in weight.
The name Ruby comes from Latin ‘Rubrum’, which means ‘Red’. Ruby, which is corundum, is simply crystallized alumina (Al2O3) and in pure form it is devoid of colour. The rich colour in Ruby is mainly due to small amounts of chronic oxide, which is able to replace part of alumina without disturbing the trigonal crystal structure. It has a specific gravity of 3.99. Mean Refractive Index is 1.765 and the hardness is 9 on the Moh’s scale.
Ruby is found in Burma, Thailand, Sri Lanka, East Africa, Kenya, Nepal, Afghanistan, India and Pakistan. The best Rubies are from the Magok district of Burma. Thai Rubies are comparatively less attractive and the Rubies found in Sri Lanka are pink.
Natural Rubies are never ‘clean’ i.e., without inclusions. They contain inclusions which look like ‘silk’. Natural Ruby encloses small crystals of other minerals, in the form of pale angular grains, cavities of irregular shapes, patches of fine needle-like criss-crossing canals which give a silky effect by reflected light. If these inclusions are not visible to the naked eye, then the eyeglass should be used to detect them. If even under high magnification no such inclusions are visible, then the Gem you are checking is most probably a piece of glass. A synthetic Ruby will either not contain any inclusions or else it will have bubble-like inclusions, or cracks, as seen in a glass, will be visible. The cracks will give a milky hue and will be of an even nature.
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