Emerald is a hot gem. It increases intelligence and brainpower, removes and cures fickle-mindedness, loss of memory, stammering, fear from souls and spirits, cools the harsh speech. One of the interesting observations about Emerald is that it is not prescribed for newly wed couples. It is said that newly married couples should not use it, as it impairs conjugal happiness due to reduction in sexual desires.
It is also useful for curing diarrhea, dysentery, gastritis, peptic ulcer, asthma, insomnia, heart troubles, etc. Emerald should be used in gold of 3, 5, 7 or 10 grams on 4th finger of right hand on Wednesday. An Emerald wearer is likely to find sufficient wealth.
Emerald, which is a Gem of Beryl family, is a silicate of beryllium and aluminium 3BeO.Al2O3.6SiO2. The colour of Emerald is mainly due to traces of chromium replacing aluminium ions in the hexagonal beryl crystal. It has a specific Gravity of 2.71, mean refractive index is 1.58 and hardness is 7.5 on the moh’s scale.
Emerald is found in Colombia, Brazil, Russia, Tanzania, South Africa, India, Australia, Austria, Pakistan, Kenya and Zambia. In India, Emeralds are found in Rajasthan, Orissa and Madhya Pradesh.
Emeralds from various mines have different kinds of inclusions. These inclusions can be seen with the naked eye, or else under magnification. If no inclusions are seen even under magnification, the chances are that the Gem under examination is either a piece of glass or a fake. The inclusions in Emeralds include flakes of mica, inclusions like fibre, milky white spots, straw and bamboos and small cubes of rock salt are also seen sometimes. Black spots are also seen in Emeralds.
Emeralds were formed when lava coming out from the volcanoes solidified on the surface of the earth. At this stage its fast solidification led to certain flaws in its crystal formation and certain foreign elements also got into it. The synthetic Emeralds contain nail-like inclusions, brush-marks or chains of bubbles.
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