It should be used in silver on Saturday on 2nd finger of right hand. The weight should be 6, 11, 13 grams.
Its name comes from Greek ‘esson’ meaning ‘inferior’, since these gems are supposed to be less valuable. Gomedh is a Gem of the Garnet family. Magnets can pull these Gems, which is a very special phenomenon, as magnets otherwise pull only certain metals. Chemically it is known as Grossular (3CaO.Al2O3.3SiO2). It is found in number of colours like green and pink but generally it is orange brown. It has a hardness of 7.25 on the Moh’s Scale, specific gravity is 3.65 and Refractive Index is 1.74.
It is available in abundance. It is found in India, Sri Lanka, Brazil, Australia, Tanzania, South Africa, Burma, Mexico, Russia, Italy, Kenya, Canada, U.S.A, and Malaysia. In India it is found in Andhra Pradesh, Orissa, Rajasthan and Bihar. Gaya mines in Bihar are the biggest source of this gem. Recently, very good quality of this Gem has been found in Orissa.
This Gem contains inclusions which look like scattered islands or flat bubbles. The colour is like honey shining under a ray of light. The inside, when viewed under magnification looks like a thick sticky liquid and certain areas look out of shape with lesser transparency.
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