TAG zodie

Pesti – varianta haioasa
Oriunde merg Peștii râsetele si voia-bună explodează. Asta ar fi un lucru bun dacă Peștii ar încerca să fie amuzanți. Peștii sunt profund derutați de ideea de sex. Din punctul lor de […]

Leu – varianta haioasa
Leii vor atrage atentia in orice mod vor putea. Martiriul nu este iesit din discutie. Ca urmare, Leii sunt si narcisisti. Leii se vor baga in orice discutie intrerupandu-i pe ceilalti si […]

Rac – varianta haioasa
Vor sa stie tot ce se intampla in toate vietile din aceasta galaxie. Totusi, tind sa nu stie ce se intampla cu ale lor. Daca sunt sunt cumva norocosi, vor afla asta […]

Zodia Gemeni
Zodia Gemenilor (21 mai – 20 iunie) “NU TE ENERVA†Cum e zodia asta? Cei mai vioi si mai adaptabili copii ai Zodiacului, Gemenii, sunt si cei mai lipsiti de obsesii si […]

Zodia Fecioara
Zodia Fecioarei (23 august – 22 septembrie) “SA ANALIZAM†Cum e zodia asta? La cate manii (mai mici sau mai mari) are, Fecioara s-ar mai putea numi si “zodia micilor maniaciâ€.

Egyptian talismans
Here are some talismans, which were often used as jewelry in ancient Egypt. The first is the Wedjat eye of Horus, sometimes called the eye of Ra. It was Horus’ healed eye. […]

Famous Thai talismans – CHUCHOK
You can ask for fortune, wealth, a beautiful wife, and unexpected richness from the talisman known as Chuchok’s idol. Chuchok is thought by many Thais to be one of the very best […]

African talisman – general facts
The talismans of the Akan people in Ghana are called bansuri. The Hausa and Yoruba people of Nigeria make tira, Afro Brazilians make patua, Bakongo peoples in the Congo make minkisi, and […]

Seal of Solomon
In Medieval Jewish, Islamic and Christian legends, the Seal of Solomon was a magical signet ring said to have been possessed by King Solomon, which variously gave him the power to command […]
Spell to make someone forget a Secret
Conjuring Raw Energy – A ritual spell to conjure raw energy that you may put to use.
Getting Over Spell – A spell used to get over someone you love or loved
African talismans
African talisman – general facts
Zodii si fixatii
Zodia Berbec
Zodii si fixatii
Zodia Taur
Zodii si fixatii
Zodia Scorpion